Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Evolution-That's me and you-------->

Fascinated by the ages of time, the deep dark history of man
Things continue to change, while some still stays the same
Feeling the beats the rhythms the sounds
the music from way back then
I feel soul in jazz, rock the blues, hip hop,
the art of spoken words that been told time and again
Music, a universal language cross cultural communication,
loving to see patterns and understand
If you don't understand the world a man is from,
you'll never understand the man
Because of what once was, time is now, time is us
Circle of life in our genes, works around us and within
Can't escape the connection we're all in
New forms find their way, when old braids into new
beautiful diversity and life it brings, but also resposibility
for next generations search for truth
A new future a new tomorrow, with music as a tool
Reflected thoughts and questions on where we at where we going, real music gives us a clue
Need to stay grounded to see the bigger picture
That's me and you..

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A dreamer

I dream
Every single day I dream
Dreams keep me alive and awake
Every night I go to sleep with them,
I fight for them, I live and breathe for them
I dream new, I dream old
I dream in spirit and I dream in my soul
I will dream forever, I don't give up a single dream, never
The world need dreamers, who's ready to see their dreams come true
I dream about freedom and I believe in it too
As long as dreamers are born, dreams will stay alive
because a true dreamer will pass it on so the dream never dies
I fall asleep, I wake up from my slumber, but I still continue to dream
Never stop
Always will be,
A dreamer

Cafe' Poetry*

Back in scandiland*

New life...

Talofa Samoa*

Haggai 2;6;7 'In a little while I will once more shake the heavens and the earth, the sea and the dry land. 7 I will shake all nations, and the desired of all nations will come, and I will fill this house with glory,' says the LORD Almighty.

News reports....
Updated September 30, 2009

119 Dead, Villages 'Wiped Out' in Samoa Tsunami
APIA, Samoa
"Disaster officials rushed food, medicine and a temporary morgue to the Samoas on Wednesday after a powerful earthquake unleashed a tsunami that flattened villages and swept cars and people out to sea."

Hanging out with the Vaitogi kids in the village.. Good times!

After the storm comes a calm.. The sun begins to shine again..

Monday, April 5, 2010

As high up in the mountains we could go, we went.. And the road was looong...

5 days up on the top of the Phillipino mountains, without electricity and warm water.. Let the fun begin, let`s get ready to rumble!!

The land where Mowgli was born and his seeds keep on living..

You try to talk to them and they just look at you and giggle like crazy=D

Beating around the bush...

Some take a shower or a bath, some jump the lake I do it oldschool a la mountain.. A girl gotta do what a girl gotta do..

Our tiny smurf kitchen..

The friendly neighbour invited us over for coffee:)

Chillin with the locals..


And more landslides..

The goldmine..

Not all that glitter is gold

Pastor Chris hooked us up with some betel nut, showed us his old ways, When church couldn't get him high enough I guess betel nut What can I say. Pastor, you did your thing.. Who ever throws a rock at you for it, u throw it right back;)

So long Coros...